For PAFPI Staffs and Volunteers:

Please take time for you to read. As we continue to grow and succeed together, it is important to reflect on the core values that form the foundation of our organization. Among these values, honesty and integrity stand out as crucial pillars that guide our actions, decisions, and interactions. Honesty and integrity are more than just words; they are essential principles that define who we are and how we operate. They foster a culture of trust, accountability, and respect, enabling us to achieve our goals and uphold our mission. By being honest, we build transparent relationships with our colleagues, clients, and stakeholders, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, and this is PAFPI’s Core Values. If, organizational values are hard for you to accept then reflect yourself to personal commitment to honestly if you can’t be honest, I strongly believe you have no room with the organization. Period!

I encourage each of you to take a moment to reflect on your own commitment to honesty and integrity. Ask yourself:

• How do I demonstrate honesty in my daily tasks and interactions?
• Do I communicate openly and transparently with my team?
• How do I handle situations where honesty might be challenging?

Maintaining honesty and integrity is a shared responsibility. Support each other in being truthful and upholding our values. If you ever find yourself in a situation where being honest is difficult, remember that you are not alone. Reach out to a trusted colleague, supervisor, or me. We are here to support you and work through challenges together.

Our commitment to honesty and integrity is an ongoing journey. There will always be opportunities for improvement, and it is through continuous self-reflection and open dialogue that we can strengthen these values within our organization. I encourage you to engage in the self-reflection exercise we have provided, designed to help you assess and enhance your own honesty and integrity.

Thank you for your dedication and hard wok. Your commitment to honesty and integrity is vital to our collective success (not a collective shame) and the positive impact we strive to make. Let us continue to uphold these values, fostering a culture where trust and transparency thrive.

Yours sincerely,
Joshua C.T. Formentera, Jr
Positive Action Foundation Philippines.