News Bites for PAFPI-EpiC Events for July 2024 Brown Bag Sessions

A series of Brown Bag Sessions were conducted at various LGU-supported sites on different occasions: July 22 (Valenzuela site), July 26 (Manila), July 29 (Navotas), and July 31 (PCC – PAFPI Community Center). The agenda included discussions on the following crucial topics:

1. Clarification on HTS Forms:
This session aimed to provide clarity on the appropriate usage of HTS forms for the purpose of encoding.
2. Proper Use of Forms for Encoding:
The focus of this discussion was on the correct utilization of forms for encoding in ORF, OHASIS, and REPORTS.
– Offer insights into the importance of accurately completing forms to maintain the integrity of our records and ensure optimal data quality.
4. Case Management:
This session aimed to address any issues or concerns related to case management, ensuring that all team members were informed and in agreement.
5. PreP (Community PreP) – decided not to dispense during community outreach as laboratory works are needed.


Please find below a selection of key points from the comprehensive brown bag session that was conducted. It is important to note that the author has only documented elements that are typically included in this particular type of brown bag session.

Key Take Aways #1 🙂

Please find below some of the key takeaways from the in-depth brown bag session conducted. It is important to note that the author only documented aspects that are commonly covered in this specific type of brown bag session.

The following is a step-by-step agenda followed during the brown bag session for ORF, OHASIS, and REPORTS:

Introduction to HTS Forms
– An overview of HTS (Health and Safety) and its significance.
– An explanation of the various HTS forms used within the organization.

ORF (Occupational Risk Form)
– Purpose and importance of the ORF.
– A detailed guide on how to fill out the ORF.
– Common errors and strategies to avoid them.
– Question and answer session.

OHASIS (Occupational Health and Safety Information System)
– An overview of OHASIS and its role in health and safety management.
– Guidance on how to input and manage data in OHASIS.
– Tips for accurate and efficient data entry.
– Question and answer session.

– The importance of generating and reviewing reports.
– Techniques for extracting and interpreting data from the systems.
– Best practices for reporting.
– Question and answer session.

Practical Session
– Hands-on demonstration of encoding data in ORF, OHASIS, and REPORTS.
– Participants will have the opportunity to practice encoding sample data.
– Real-time feedback and corrections.

Closing Remarks
– Summary of the key points discussed.
– Emphasis on the importance of accurate encoding for compliance and safety.
– Further steps and resources for continued learning.

Materials Used:
– Access to ORF, OHASIS, and REPORTS systems.
– Sample data for practice.
– Presentation slides outlining steps and tips.

By the conclusion of the session, participants felt confident in accurately filling out HTS forms and encoding them in ORF, OHASIS, and REPORTS, while understanding the significance of these processes in maintaining health and safety standards.

Key Take Aways #2 🙂

Below is the step-by-step agenda undertaken for a brown bag session on Case Management. This is the usual process undertaken for Case Management discussion of which other critical thing were considered for discussion such as the below:

Introduction to Case Management
– Definition and objectives of case management.
– The role of case managers in community settings.
– Key principles of effective case management.

Case Management Process
– Intake and Assessment
– Gathering information and conducting an initial assessment of the case.
– Utilizing tools and techniques for effective assessment.

– Developing an action plan tailored to the client’s needs.
– Setting realistic goals and timelines.

– Coordinating services and interventions.
– Monitoring progress and adjusting the plan as needed.

– Assessing outcomes and the effectiveness of interventions.
– Closing the case or transitioning to other services.

Community Preparation in Case Management
– Understanding the community context: demographics, needs, and resources.
– Building community partnerships and networks.
– Preparing the community for interventions: awareness, education, and involvement.
– Engaging stakeholders: local leaders, organizations, and residents.

Best Practices for Community-Based Case Management
– Cultural competence: tailoring approaches to community norms and values.
– Empowerment: encouraging community ownership of solutions.
– Sustainability: ensuring long-term impact and self-sufficiency.

Challenges in Case Management and Community Prep
– Common challenges faced by case managers in community settings.
– Strategies to overcome these challenges.
– Examples of successful community case management initiatives.

Interactive Case Study
– Presenting a real-world or hypothetical case scenario.
– Participants work in groups to develop a case management plan.
– Discussing plans and providing feedback.

Q&A Session
– Opening the floor for questions and discussions.
– Sharing experiences and insights from participants.

Closing Remarks
– Recapitulating key points.
– Emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in case management.
– Providing resources for further reading and professional development.

Materials Used:
– Presentation slides with key concepts and examples.
– Case study materials for group activity.
– Handouts or digital resources for further reading.
– Access to relevant tools or software used in case management (if applicable).

All participants left the session with a clearer understanding of how to effectively manage cases in a community setting, prepare the community for interventions, and address the unique challenges that arise in this context. They felt equipped with practical strategies and best practices to apply in their work.