Positive Outlook for Positive People

Most people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the Philippines became hopeless. They give up when the physician said, “You only have 24 hours or a month to live,” but with their will, they can survive. This is what we do when we visit them in the treatment hubs or in their...

Healthy Plate and Peer Support Fridays

It was early Friday morning and just like other Fridays, I was on my way to Bahay Kanlungan Drop-In Center to join the nutrition and feeding activity of the Positive Action Foundation Philippines, Inc. (PAFPI).   Image Source: rbhs.co.uk But I remembered the...

Hats off to HAT. It’s Time to Get Tested!

HIV Antibody Testing (HAT) is the only way to know your health status, but many fear stigma and discrimination. Perhaps it was the reason why many fear to get tested because their families might not understand them and that they will be judged. In fact, these fears...

Naproseso Na Ako

To accept our status is important for us to face our everyday challenges. This will make us face life’s adversaries head on. But did you know that it took me a while to have this kind of thinking? Yes, the person, whose story you are reading now, is totally different...

What it was Like to Live with a Person with HIV?

When I was young I remembered watching the news and the hottest topic that time was Sarah Jane Salazar. Who would not know her? Sarah Jane was perhaps the first celebrated and media hyped HIV case in the Philippines because she bravely went out to public. It was like...

HIV Education Invaded Kalaw

Time is gold for people who are busy as bees, but are they aware of the increasing number of people who are infected of HIV? As of October 2013, the Department of Health HIV and AIDS Registry recorded a number of 491 new HIV cases. Yes, it was the highest recorded new...