A Hug is All It Takes

Why would you let yourself continue an unknown journey if its easier to end it right away? Perhaps this question was popular amongst other people living with HIV (PLHIVs) especially on the first few weeks, months or years after they were diagnosed. And perhaps this...

There’s No Reason for Us to be Afraid

My name is Genesis and I’m 26 years old when I got diagnosed HIV positive. Yes, HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. And this is my personal testimony about how beautiful life is, specially if you are surrounded with great and positive people. When I heard the...

Life Doesn’t Stop with HIV. There’s Hope

The MAC AIDS FUND is a venture also known as GLAM FOR LIFE which intended to deal with the nutritional and medical needs of people living with HIV and AIDS or PLHIVs. For many years, I am part of the advocacy. I’ve acquainted with a lot of people with different...

Free Yourself from Ignorance

The price we pay for everything we acquire doesn’t always come with a monetary value. It doesn’t even need to take shape in a tangible form. As Andy Mcintyre stated: “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” Being unaware on how to prevent HIV from...

What’s Life In Store for Me After Having HIV? She Asked

Being a Positive Action Foundation Philippines, Inc.( PAFPI) volunteer and peer educator, I got to visit different treatment hubs, meet a lot of people working in the HIV and AIDS advocacy and talk to people living with HIV. And talking to my peers and listen to their...

Positive Home for + People

Home is sweet but it was made sweeter when there’s love to meet, welcome and greet us. This was truly important for me since most of the statements I hear from a person living with HIV (PLHIV) tell that they’ve been disowned or that they experienced stigma and...